Dr. Silvestre Bongiovanni Abel is participating in the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2019 held in Lindau, Germany, a week of vivid discussions between 39 Nobel Laureates and 580 young scientists from 89 countries.
Agustina Aldana has received a prestigious Marie Curie Individual Fellowship. These fellowships are highly competitive but Agustina convinced the jury...
Gonzalo Martín Lanfranconi, a Materials Engineering student (Faculty of Engineering, UNMdP), began in April the experimental work corresponding to his...
Dr. Gustavo Abraham presented the invited lecture "Polymeric nanofibers: obtention, properties and bio/nanotechnological applications" in the framework of 40° Anniversary of CIQA, ...
Lucas Matilla defended his final project in Materials Engineering titled: "biofunctional micro and nanoparticles for controlled delivery of ivermectin". Lucas...