Our review “Current advances in electrospun gelatin-based scaffolds for tissue engineering applications” A.A. Aldana and G.A. Abraham, published in International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 523, 441-453, 2017. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2016.09.044 reaches 100 citations in Scopus! Congratulations!
Dr. Gustavo Abraham presented the invited lecture "Polymeric nanofibers: obtention, properties and bio/nanotechnological applications" in the framework of 40° Anniversary of CIQA, ...
4° Encontro Internacional de Engenharia de Tecidos e Medicina Regenerativa, TERMIS Americas (Tissue Engineering and Medicine Regenerative International Society), June...
Gonzalo Martín Lanfranconi, a Materials Engineering student (Faculty of Engineering, UNMdP), began in April the experimental work corresponding to his...