In January 2020, Dr. Silvestre Bongiovanni Abel joined the Responsive Polymer Therapeutics Group as a Postdoctoral Researcher under the supervision of Prof. Marcelo Calderón at POLYMAT. Recently, Dr. Bongiovanni was appointed Assistant Researcher of CONICET at our lab.
Ian Heit Rimoli defended his final project of Materials Engineering degree entitled “Cotton-like ion-doped bioactive glass fibers: investigation of Zn...
Three researchers from IMTEMA are visiting Institute of Biomaterials FAU, Germany.
Prof. Josefina Ballarre, from the Applied Electrochemistry group, is visiting...
Gonzalo Martín Lanfranconi, a Materials Engineering student (Faculty of Engineering, UNMdP), began in April the experimental work corresponding to his...
Agustina Aldana has received a prestigious Marie Curie Individual Fellowship. These fellowships are highly competitive but Agustina convinced the jury...