The scanning electron microscope (SEM) image corresponds to the optimization of the electrospinning process of nanofibrous polymeric hibrid scaffolds (natural polymer/synthetic polymer). The image shows microparticles of soy protein isolate/bioresorbable polyurethane covered by electrospun nanofibers of the same material. Authors: M.D. Popov Pereira da Cunha, P.C. Caracciolo, G.A. Abraham.
Researchers at Biomedical Polymer Division work in the incorporation of natural photoprotective agents within nanofibrous polymeric matrices. As UV protection...
Lucas Matilla defended his final project in Materials Engineering titled: "biofunctional micro and nanoparticles for controlled delivery of ivermectin". Lucas...
Final Project in Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Mar del Plata. “Fabrication of gelatin-based nanofibrous scaffolds for cell...